Fountains Abbey Stock Book
De quibus Ricardus Tennand liberavit dicto magistro antetonsuram xvj Et in morina ante tonsuram x
Et Willelmus Settill liberavit magistro post tonsuram
xvj Et in morina super eundem ante tonsuram
iij Et post tonsuram j Et in expensis
famulorum post tonsuram j
Summa xlvij
Et sic remanent super Ricardum Tennand ij(c) iij(xx)
Idem respondent de j(c) xxviij de exitu dictarum ovium
De quibus liberaverunt magistro j(c) xxviij
Patet nihil remanens
Idem respondent de ij(c) xxiij de proficuo dictarum ovium
De quibus liberaverunt dicto magistro per tallium ij(c) xxiij
Patet nihil remanens
Idem respondent de xvij pellibus hurtardorum et ovium supra
De quibus Ricardus Tennand liberavit dicto magistro
per tallium iij Et in consimili per tallium xd
Et in vendicione super Willelmum iiij pro viijd
Summa xvij nihil remanens
Idem Willelmus Settill respondet pro pellibus supra viijd
Unde liberavit super compotum iiijd Et in perdona eidem
ex gracia domini Abbatis iiijd
Summa viijd nihil remanens
Compotus Willelmi Costantyne GeorgijSigeswike Et Henrici Elison ad idem
tempus supra
Idem respondent de vj de remanentibus et de ij receptis
de magistro post tonsuram
Summa viij Remanentes viij
Idem respondent de ij(c) xj de remanentibus Et de iij(xx)
jercis receptis de magistro post tonsuram
Summa ij(c) iij(xx) xj
De quibus Willelmus Costantyne liberavit magistro ante
tonsuram iij Et in morina super eundem ante
tonsuram xxiij Et Georgius Sigeswike liberavit
magistro post tonsuram xxv Et in morina
super eundem ante tonsuram j
Summa lij
Remanentes ij(c) xix
unde super Henricum Elison ij(c) xvij
Et super Georgium Sigeswike ij
Idem respondent de j(c) iij(xx) iij de proficuo dictarum ovium
Et liberaverunt magistro i(c) iij(xx) iij
Patet nihil remanens
Idem respondent de j(c) v(xx) ix de proficuo dictarum ovium
Et liberaverunt magistro j(c) v(xx) ix per tallium
Patet nihil remanens
Idem respondent xxiiij pellibus de ovibus supra
De [quibus] Willelmus Costantyne liberavit magistro per tallium xxiij
Et Georgius Sigeswike liberavit j
Summa xxiiij
nihil remanens
Of which Richard Tennand delivered to the said master
before shearing 16. And by murrain before shearing 10
And William Settill delivered to the master after shearing
16. And by murrain charged to the same [WS] before shearing
3. And after shearing 1. And in expenses
of the servants after shearing 1
Total 47
And thus remain charged to Richard Tennand 2 hundred 3 score [300]
The same [men] answer for 1 hundred 28 [148] from the issue of the said ewes
As appears
Of which they delivered to the master 1 hundred 28 [148]
As appears, nothing remaining
The same [men] answer for 2 hundred 23 [263] from the profit of the said ewes
As appears
Of which they delivered to the said master by tally 2 hundred 23 [263]
As appears, nothing remaining
The same [men] answer for 17 skins of the rams and ewes above
As appears
Of which Richard Tennand delivered to the said master
by tally 3. And similarly by tally 10d
And in debit to William 4 for 8d
Total 17, nothing remaining
The same William Settill answers for the skins above 8d
As appears
Of which he paid as a charge on his account 4d. And he was let off
by the grace of the lord Abbot 4d
Total 8d, nothing remaining
Account of William Costantyne, GeorgeSigeswike and Henry Elison at the same
time as above
The same [men] answer for 6 remaining and for 2 received from
the master after shearing
Total 8. Remaining 8
The same [men] answer for 2 hundred 11 [251] remaining. And for 3 score [60]
gimmers received from the master after shearing.
Total 2 hundred 3 score 11 [311]
Of which William Costantyne delivered to the master before
shearing 3. And by murrain charged to him before
shearing 23. And George Sigeswike delivered
to the master after shearing 25. And by murrain
charged to him before shearing 1
Total 52
Remaining 2 hundred 19 [259]
From which [were] charged to Henry Elison 2 hundred 17 [257]
And to George Sigeswike 2
The same [men] answer for 1 hundred 3 score 3 [ 183] from the profit of the said ewes As appears
And they delivered to the master 1 hundred 3 score 3 [183]
As appears, nothing remaining
The same [men] answer for 1 hundred 5 score 9 [229] from the profit of the said ewes As appears
And they delivered to the master 1 hundred 5 score 9 [229] by tally
As appears, nothing remaining
The same [men] answer for 24 skins of the ewes above
As appears
Of [which] William Costantyne delivered by tally 23
And George Sigeswike delivered 1
Total 24
nothing remaining